We’re going places and want you to know
about it
Follow the eFront development roadmap

In the works
New ‘My Courses’ page
New, modernized page allows Learners to view their enrolled courses.
PHP8 compatibility
eFront will soon be compatible with the latest PHP version, PHP8, ensuring the best possible performance.
AI-powered chatbot for Amdinistrators
A powerful chatbot that allows Administrators to quickly and easily learn more about using eFront.
New courses in TalentLibrary
Our collection of ready-made courses is growing, empowering your teams with even more opportunities to gain the skills to thrive.
On the way
New ‘Catalog’ page
New, modernized page for Learners to view the courses they can enroll in.
Improvements to blended courses
Enhancements to the Learners’ and Instructors’ experience when using sessions and blended courses with various interventions.
Enhanced Automations
We’re on track to enhance the automation engine, further allowing you to streamline administrative tasks and focus on the work that matters.
Certificates and new statuses in Learning paths
Learners will be able to obtain certificates by completing Learning paths, and progress statuses will be added to depict the Learners’ progress.
On the horizon
Redesigned dashboards for Learners, Instructors, and Administrators
Users will have access to brand-new, modernized dashboards for easier access to their respective features.
Learning paths creation for branch Administrators
Branch Administrators will be able to create Learning paths to allow for greater flexibility in managing your training portal.
Personal learning list
A page that allows Learners to build a personalized learning list by adding content like units, files, etc.