
8 Eye-Catching eLearning Course Elements That No Online Learner Can Resist

Aesthetic appeal and interactivity are the secrets to keeping your audience enthralled. In this article, we’ll share 8 eye-catching eLearning course elements that are sure to grab online learners’ attention.

8 eLearning Course Elements That Attract All Online Learners

Your online learners are busy people. They don’t have much time to train, even if they are aware of the benefits. However, there are some things that the human brain simply can’t ignore. The visual appeal and mental stimuli provide too strong of a pull, and learners are drawn into the eLearning action. Let’s explore 8 attention-grabbing eLearning course elements that no online learner can resist.

1. Infographics

Infographics are a combination of images, graphics, and text that explore an eLearning topic or trend. In some cases, they even highlight every step of a task so that online learners can improve their proficiency. Above all else, infographics are difficult to ignore. They get a complete snapshot of the ideas and concepts in full technicolor instead of simply reading about notable facts or stats.

The secret is to pick a theme and then choose your images wisely. Only include need-to-know information to avoid cognitive overload, and leave enough white space to de-clutter the design.

2. Demo Videos

Telling someone how to perform a task is one thing, but showing them makes the information stick. Demo videos not only facilitate real-world application but also grab and hold online learners’ interest. They also impart knowledge more rapidly, which is ideal for short attention spans.

It’s best to keep videos as brief as possible so that online learners get the information they need, and then apply it right away. In addition, it’s wise to develop videos that adjust to the user’s device. This allows you to deploy multiplatform-friendly demo videos so that everyone receives the same benefits.

3. Vibrant Color Schemes

Colors that pop off the page are sure to capture your audience’s attention. However, there are a few rules to follow when creating your color palette. First and foremost, stick with 2 or 3 colors to create a cohesive look. Otherwise, you run the risk of a chaotic eLearning course layout that becomes a distraction.

Next, consider the significance of the color. For example, certain shades evoke feelings of calm while others convey a sense of urgency. Lastly, your online learners’ background plays a key role in color selection. Cultures assign different meanings to different colors. One region of the world may perceive red as being lucky, while another associates it with feelings of anger or warning.

4. Bold Images

Incorporate bold images that catch online learners off guard and tie into the Subject Matter. If you don’t have any images on hand, search your online resource library or opt for royalty free images online. For best results, use images that cater to online learners’ personal interests or help them relate to the eLearning content, such as a quirky character wearing familiar professional attire.

The thing to remember about images is that they should be compelling, not controversial. You don’t want to polarize your audience and make certain individuals feel alienated or uncomfortable.

5. Memorable Characters

Cut-out characters add a splash or personality to your eLearning course. They also help online learners relate to the eLearning content on a personal level. This is primarily due to the fact that memorable characters put a face to the online training process.

You can even use them as guides throughout the eLearning course who offer valuable tips and tricks οr recommend supplemental online training resources to learners who may need some additional assistance. Many eLearning authoring tools have cut-out characters in their online media library, or you can look online for free resources.

6. Animations

Whether it’s an animated video or simply a bite-sized GIF that centers on the Subject Matter, online learners are sure to take notice. Animations are fun and entertaining. They help lighten the mood while conveying an important idea.

Best of all, you don’t need to be an experienced cartoonist to create amazing animated videos. There are a variety of rapid eLearning authoring tools that feature built-in templates, themes, and characters you can use for your productions.

7. Real-World Activities

The ultimate goal is to give online learners the information they need to solve real-world problems. It’s not merely conveying the ideas and concepts, but facilitating practical application.

Real-world activities are hard to resist, thanks to the fact that online learners get the opportunity to put their knowledge into practice. They are interactive, immersive, and engaging, which is a recipe for eLearning success.

You can also use real-world examples and case studies paired with images if you’re working with limited resources. Or even emotionally-centered stories that help them see things from a different perspective.

8. Serious Games

Serious games offer a little bit of everything. Online learners must use the controls to navigate their way through each level, which makes them perfect kinesthetic online training tools. However, they also feature visual and auditory elements that immerse online learners in the environment and allow them to explore it. Plus, it’s hard to pass up the opportunity to play your way through an eLearning course.

You can also take the gamification approach by adding badges, points, and other game mechanics to your eLearning course design. For example, leaderboards that fuel friendly competition and motivate online learners to achieve their potential. An LMS, like eFront, that boasts a mighty gamification engine can help you add playful and engaging elements to your courses.


These attention-grabbing eLearning course elements can remove external distractions and help online learners focus on the task at hand. They also improve knowledge retention by enhancing the aesthetic appeal of the eLearning course and forming an emotional connection.

Thus, online learners are more likely to remember the takeaways long after the eLearning course concludes. Not to mention, spread the word about your eye-catching eLearning content and the benefits it has yielded.

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