
8 Unexpected Ways To Use Microlearning Online Training Activities

Microlearning improves knowledge retention and gives employees the ability to brush up on skills whenever it’s most convenient. In this article, we’ll discuss 8 unexpected ways to integrate microlearning online training activities in your corporate eLearning program.

How To Use Microlearning Online Training Activities

Bite-sized online training resources help employees broaden their understanding and explore the subject matter autonomously. They also allow them to build essential work skills and continually improve their performance. As such, they’re a great addition to your online training program, especially if you want to increase employee satisfaction and improve your corporate eLearning ROI. Here are 8 unexpected ways to integrate microlearning online training activities into your current online training strategy.

1. Immersive Online Training Tutorials To Improve Proficiency

Online training tutorials don’t have to consist of lengthy manuals or slideshows. In fact, you can make them immersive and interactive by adding sounds, images, and realistic characters. Microlearning online training tutorials or branching scenarios allow employees to explore every step of the process. They can immerse themselves in the situation and observe skills in action. As a result, they are more likely to improve their workplace performance and proficiency.

2. Skill-Based Online Training Simulations To Impart Real-World Experience

Online training simulations give employees the power to step into the environment and experience the challenge first, without having to deal with risks that are typically involved. As such, they are able to build practical skills and test out different strategies. More importantly, they can learn from their mistakes. For example, an employee achieves an unfavorable outcome during the task simulation. This highlights specific work skills or knowledge they need to improve. Thus, they have the power to bridge the gap with supplemental online training resources.

3. Turn Everyday Challenges Into Serious Games

Overcoming everyday obstacles can be entertaining. All it takes is a well-written storyline, memorable characters, and effective game mechanics. Serious games are ideal microlearning online training activities, as they are fun, engaging, and immersive. You can transform work-related challenges into a multi-level gaming environment.

For example, employees must successfully resolve the customer’s complaint in order to reach the next stage of the game. Focus on one learning objective or goal to keep it in the microlearning category and avoid cognitive overload. In addition, you should emphasize the real-world applications or benefits from the very beginning. Otherwise, the game may overshadow the desired outcomes.

4. Infographics That Highlight Compliance Issues

Infographics blend visuals with text to simplify complex ideas. This makes them an ideal match for compliance issues that involve stats, facts, and trends. For example, employees need to know the average rate of on-the-job accidents to emphasize the importance of proper online training. Infographics are also great “moment of need” reference tools, as they offer a general overview of the topic. For instance, a graphic can highlight the most important company policies, which serves as a quick knowledge refresher.

5. Hollywood-Worthy Product Knowledge Demos

Product manuals tend to be dry and dull, not to mention time-consuming. Fortunately, you can use microlearning tools to impart product knowledge quickly and effectively. Produce brief videos that examine the key features and benefits of each product or service. Use attention-grabbing images, music, and audio narrations to make it more interactive. You can even incorporate infographics, charts, and other visuals to improve comprehension, or follow it up with a pop quiz to test employee knowledge.

6. Bite-Size Certification Courses

Bite-size certification courses center on a specific skill, ability, or task. For example, operating the POS terminal or handling a customer return. Employees are able to evaluate every aspect of the topic, instead of briefly brushing over it during the scheduled online training session. They also feel a sense of accomplishment knowing that they met the requirements and displayed their proficiency.

You can also create annual certifications that employees must renew each year in order to reinforce their knowledge. Your Learning and Talent Development Platform automatically sends them a notification when the certificate is due to expire. This way, they can access the microlearning online certification catalog to refresh their memory.

7. Turn Employees Into Online Training Bloggers

Encourage your employees to write at least one blogpost every week to recap their online training. For example, ask them to discuss the key takeaways that they learned during the health and safety compliance course. This also gives them the opportunity to share their opinions and receive peer-based feedback.

In fact, you should create a master list that features every employee-generated blog. Include links for easy access and a brief description of what the corporate eLearning blog entails. For instance, it explores different customer service techniques and tips. It’s also wise to expand your social learning network, with social media groups and online forums to promote online collaboration.

8. Weekly Guest Host Podcasts Featuring In-House Subject Matter Experts

You may already have Subject Matter Experts within your organization, such as department heads that are well-versed on compliance topics or can offer helpful performance tips. So why not give them the opportunity to share their expertise?

Invite them to guest-host a weekly podcast that’s 5 minutes or under. They can offer tips, explore a work-related topic, or even share a personal anecdote to impart valuable life lessons. Encourage guest hosts to create an outline to stay on topic and post a podcast schedule so that everyone knows when to tune in.

Another option is inviting Subject Matter Experts from outside the organization to host their own regular podcasts. They get the chance to promote their site or products, and your employees benefit from the online training experience.

Microlearning online training activities improve knowledge retention and make training more convenient. Employees have the opportunity to build their skills and experience with the click of a button. This allows them to focus on personal areas for improvement that may limit their workplace performance and proficiency. As a result, your top talent stays with the team and continually expands their professional knowledge base.

Of course, all these are moot points if you don’t have the right tools for the job. Luckily, eFront is ideally suited for microlearning and can handle all your creative training ideas, however big or small they may be. Discover all things micro- you can do with eFront.

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