Product News

From version 3.6 to version 3.6.6

With the pace that new versions of eFront are released is easy to not get enough information of improvements and new futures that have been added since the initial version 3.6 release back on January.

Actually, now that I gather all the details I find even myself anxious on the rate that new things are added (or removed) from eFront. Perhaps we should slow it a bit…

Version 3.6 was released on 22nd of January 2010. Since then we released 13 new minor versions (approximately once every 2 weeks) with more than 2500 commits on our SVN.

Here is a list of the most important additions since the initial 3.6 release:

– IMS packaging support
– Autologin (via special URLs)
– Online help (via integration with the documentation wiki)
– Multiple coupons functionality (community++ and above)
– Feedback functionality (A feedback is like a survey but it can be embedded inside the lesson’s content tree)
– Curriculum
– Course instances
– User reports generator (expect another blog article about it soon)

And here is the list of the improved several modules:

– BigBlueButton integration module
– Gradebook module
– Improvements on RSS module to expose system content as RSS feeds

Moreover, on top of countless bug-fixes we modified elements like:

– We proceed with replacing flash-graphs with images to make graphs compatible with iphone/ipad
– We re-factored our XML API
– We improved the checkout process
– We improved the certification process (… only to change it all-together in a small future update with a speedier pdf generator)
– We improved the speed for big databases (thousands of users and hundreds of courses)

If you haven’t already, make sure you update your version to the latest – you will be pleasantly surprised by a better experience all-together!

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