Product News

eFront 5.2 update landed! Here’s the scoop on the new features

Fall is well upon us ― and with it a brand new eFront 5.2 update!

The new update brings Salesforce and TalentCards integration options, support for the old (but very much alive and kicking) AICC eLearning standard, H5P changes, and per Branch notifications, among other things.

There’s no overarching theme for this release. There are, however, several great features touching all aspects of eFront, plus the usual assortment of improvements and added polish.

Excited? Let’s open the box and have a closer look.

Notifications per branch

If you’re a user of eFront’s Branches and Notifications, you’ll probably have witnessed some instances where a Notification makes sense for some Branches, but is irrelevant for others.

Starting with 5.2, eFront allows Branch administrators to override any of the default Notifications and create new ones that apply only to their Branch.

That will be extremely handy for eFront setups which use Branches for vastly different audiences and training purposes.

Learn how you can set up notifications for each branch here.

AICC support

eFront has long had excellent support for the SCORM and xAPI (Tin Can) eLearning standards. The new update adds AICC to this list.

Note that AICC is not a new eLearning standard. Ιn fact, it’s quite old and has been shut down in 2014 and superseded by xAPI.

Still, many businesses have AICC formatted training content lying around, and now those businesses can import their old AICC courses in eFront and give them new life in a full-featured modern LMS.

Read how you can import AICC content into your courses here.

TalentCards integration

Everybody reading this already knows and loves eFront. You might also know TalentLMS, our Cloud-based LMS service. What you might not know is that Epignosis also makes TalentCards, an industry leading microlearning platform.

TalentCards, as the name implies, follows the training cards paradigm, and is split into a fully native mobile app for the learners, and a web-based content creation and training management portal.

If your company is using both eFront and TalentCards (or plans to), eFront 5.2 now comes with a plugin that allows for synchronizing users and progress status with the TalentCards service. This gives your administrators one less thing to worry about and offers them a seamless experience between their eFront-based learning portal and their microlearning app.

If you have not experienced TalentCards yourself yet, we offer a free plan that’s good for up to 5 learners. Give it a try today and let us know if we’ve achieved our goal of offering the best microlearning experience on a smartphone. Who knows, you might soon be joining its thousands of existing fans.

Discover how you can integrate your eFront portal with TalentCards here.

H5P Updates

H5P, for those not in the know, is a popular open source collection of content creation tools. It is also your ticket for adding rich and interactive experiences to your online training courses.

eFront has long supported H5P content and even used to come with a pre-bundled version of the relevant library. While handy, this meant that you had to wait for eFront to update its built-in version of H5P to get the latest upstream H5P features.

Starting from this release, eFront no longer comes with the H5P library pre-installed, allowing you to install the exact H5P version that you need, and update it whenever you want. Yay for upgrading freedom!

Salesforce integration

Salesforce and eFront users, rejoice!

eFront has gained the ability to pull account data out of your Salesforce installation.

The relevant syncing happens periodically and is an effective way of sharing User and Branch information between your favorite LMS and your CRM platform.

Read more about how to integrate your eFront portal with Salesforce here.

But that’s not all!

For a broader overview of what’s new and what’s better, check our release notes here.

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